Hello, welcome to my blog, or as I call it, May Block. In this blog, I'll post my progress in drawings, animations, music, video editing, etc., etc., and I'll talk about my life.
In this video, I'll talk about how I got the Sony Vegas 16 to make the intro and outro for my animations. Turns out I was completely minding my own business searching around on "Mercado Libre."
It's like eBay, but the seller will backstab you (meaning they can scam you or outright stab and rob you).
Well, at that moment, my egocentric moment took over and I thought I was really Jesus Christ. So I said "screw it" and bought the secondhand Sony Vegas. It had one of those DVD players that connect via USB. I mean, nobody uses discs, but also, nobody buys their programs. There's something called piracy, you know.
Then, after paying the seller, I realized something strange.
The DVD came with a folder called "crack." This is how I got scammed again.
Here's the intro and outro I made for my Newgrounds animations.
LINK (in case you can't see it)