Useless information, but I really spent a lot of time thinking about surnames that would match the personalities.
(Adicional: In case you don't understand the meaning of each personality with just one word, I'll give you a quick description of each one.
Noelia: The most reasonable and rational member of these guys, but her personality can deteriorate quickly as the situation progresses, occasionally she prefers to forge her own path, she is certainly stubborn and will ignore the correct way of doing things to favor something that suits her needs, she likes to be surrounded by people as long as she is the center of attention, she usually prefers to be the anchor and control of her companions for two reasons, because they give her reasons for importance and because she wants to help her siblings and other things, Her aspiration is to become famous in some way and leave the country,She's the cashier
Jose:Jose's personality is complicated, as he is clearly a psychopath. But some of those traits could be said to be that he is clearly the leader of the four, a role that he himself assumed. Since he calls himself "god" on numerous occasions, it could also be said that he is quite self-confident although Noelia usually plays the leader role, Jose has a band that makes music that is just noise, he is the youngest of the Barranca brothers, he is the first to cause chaos and will probably end up in a mental hospital, his aspirations are to be the best musician / artist / cartoonist / photographer / film director / porono actor in history, he is the one who is there to not leave him alone at home
Luis: He's the youngest and a childlike little man who seems to live in his own world. He's dedicated to his "Luisito job," however disgusting and depressing it may be. Perhaps because of the nature of his work, Luis seems to live in the clouds. He fantasizes about being married to the waitress and seems totally reluctant to admit he can't read. His aspirations are to go to the Fiji Islands, and yeah he's the janitor.
Matias: He is, at the very least, dedicated. More than any other member of these four, Matias has always been committed to his long-term goals, even if they don't turn out as expected or simply by pure luck and diversity, which often causes him to feel insecure about what he does. He tends to hide his certainties by acting like the most serious of the group and even somewhat sociopathic at times,His aspirations are to get enough money and buy a motorcycle,He is the owner.)