I just got my summons for Andis.
(Agencia Nacional De Discapacidad)
Honestly, I'm a little scared, I'll be honest with you,I remember when there was a TikToker who became famous for pretending to have Tourette Syndrome, and then more and more idiots came out who became famous for having disabilities or simply charging A pension for a disability they don't even have, or like that girl Sunny who pretended to have autism. I remember that shit made me angry and now I'm here writing about my problems And wondering if I'm autistic enough to no have the little money and no taken away from me, and why my parents don't want to let me get a fucking job and I'm locked here in my room,Drawing, animating, making music so I don't go crazy,I'll probably end up living on a fucking bridge yelling at a cloud JUST BECAUSE SOME FUCKING MORONS THOUGHT THAT HAVING A DISABILITY IS CUTE AND KAWAII
Sorry for being aggressive in this post I just have to say Have a nice March 24th, newgrownds